Artist Demo Days.
Artist Demo Days all started as an invite from Ali Board to join a group of like minded artists to support each other in a time of serious uncertainty at the beginning of the Corona virus outbreak. We were all completely shell shocked and concerned about our livelihoods.
However, there is no better support network than those people with the same profession who are in a similar set of circumstances. We started with a Zoom meeting and have been getting together every week since.
To start with, we commiserated and just tried to make sense of the overwhelming concerns about the unknown! I’m sure you all know what I mean? This horrible pandemic has tested us all. That time at the beginning was rock we could only climb upwards.
We shared our ideas of ways to go forward. Of course, with us all being creative thinkers...we all soon came up with innovative ways to teach our Art and carry on. Some have taught lessons on line through Zoom, Youtube or Facebook. Some of us have sent detailed lessons by email. We have had our Live workshops and Video on Demand through the SAA. Some have even promoted work from their own galleries!
We all feel so lucky to have each other...and to have you, our wonderful supportive groupies! There have been a few tears along the way...but mostly laughter.
We wanted to join forces and make a difference to people’s lives. We knew that many people would need their art for escapism...and in some cases to fill the holes in their lives. Our thoughts were especially with those having to self isolate...of which there are so many. So we came up with our Artist Demo Days Facebook page and ,as you know, we have all been producing Live videos regularly. We have thoroughly enjoyed performing for you and sharing our skills and ideas. And, of course, we have learnt from each other as well. We try really hard to be there for each other’s demonstrations wherever possible. We thoroughly enjoy our camaraderie.
Some of us had never met each other before, but we are already firm friends through Artist Demo Days. We have plans to meet up and maybe even to go on tour together one day! We have been putting our heads together and have come up with some interesting ground breaking ideas.