Painting waves
Painting waves is a challenge, but a really fun challenge. Planning is the key to making this easier. I paint both watercolour and acrylic seas.
There are 2 main techniques for painting the froth on waves in watercolour. Firstly using a resist, either masking fluid or a wax or oil pastel. Masking out the areas you wish to remain white. Then you can paint the rest of the waves.
Watercolour waves using masking fluid.
If you have used oil pastels, then this is done. If you have used masking fluid, you can then remove it before roughing a few edges and adding a few shadows.
Watercolour with oil pastel resist.
The alternative is simply avoid painting the areas you wish to remain white. This requires planning and care, but gives a fresh and bright finish.
Watercolour carefully avoiding painting the white areas.
Acrylic waves are a different game altogether. Here you work from dark to light, creating the shape of the waves first before adding the froth and foam.
Acrylic adding the white last.
I have demos of all these techniques on my youtube channel where you will find a whole playlist for seas rivers and lakes.